Account Deletion

Users have the right to request the deletion of their account and any linked personal information from quickyHandy/Handyman. Upon receiving a valid deletion request, we will take reasonable steps to verify the identity of the requester and ensure that the request is legitimate.

Process for Deleting Accounts:

Submission of Deletion Request:
Users have the option to initiate an account deletion process via the QuickyHandy /handyman app.

Account Suspensions:
Once the deletion is initiated ,notification sending will be suspended for the account and users will not be able to view their account information including , profile picture, service , call history, payments details and verified domains.
Revert Deletion
The Deletion process can be reverted within 7 days However, if the user logs back into the app within that period, we will restore their account.
Process completion
After 7 days, the account will be deleted permanently And we will proceed to permanently delete the associated personal data from our systems.